
Friday, May 25, 2012

Beautiful eight

On Wednesday, May 23rd CJ turned 8. Planning the celebration was ironically quicker in a distance than when I was personally fussing over every detail in previous birthdays. I woke up at half past six, Thailand time and waited for the clock to strike seven when it was eight in the Philippines to greet my little guy.

He was already out biking. My heart danced at how normal a young boy's activity that can be. Grandma hollered, "CJ! your Mom's on the phone!" Pause - then it was a trumpeting sound on the line. He let me in on it: "my Ben 10 sword, Mommy." Oh, okay. I thought it was new year there already.

Quite a birthday. Quiet and controlled as I put together a few things that bind us -

A reading to commemorate CJ's eighth year -

and eight things I am thankful for:

  1. reaching the eighth year in good health

  2. the opportunity to celebrate it

  3. big improvement on speech and motor skills

  4. having the means to provide for him

  5. feeling heaven's warmth on my tea table,

  6. which was filled with charm specially for the day,

  7. and being able to document it

  8. hearing "I love you Mommy"
In the stillness of midday, I smiled in gratefulness to God for carrying me this far in my role as a mother.


  1. Such tender words that can only come from a mother! CJ is blessed to have you! Happy 8th to your dear son!

  2. motherhood is a blessing. you have done well mommy. I know God has a purpose for everything :) happy birthday to CJ!



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